
The Governing Body

Interim Chair of Governors - Angela Milln

Contact: or via the school office on 01794 512334

The governing body is made up of various types of governor as follows:

Parent Representatives – These governors are made up of parents of pupils in the school.

Community Governors – Members of the local community who have an interest in the school

Staff Representatives – Comprised of the Headteacher, plus a teacher, and member of support staff.

Currently no vacancies

In terms of the time commitment required, the governing body as a whole meets once a term – 3 of these are in the evening and the fourth is during the afternoon, giving governors the opportunity to observe lessons or activities in school during the school day. Governors are also expected to join one or more of the sub-committees that help support the school in its work. These also meet once a term, with occasional extra meetings as the subject matter determines. The times of these meetings may vary. Many employers support their employees becoming a school governor.


Mr. Amarinder Singh Brar

Mr. Gary Hiscock

Mr. John Bennett

Mrs. Angela Milln

Mrs. Deirdre Murphy

Mrs. Nicolette Adens

Mrs. Nusreen Ahmad

Mrs. Sarah Pearson

Mr. Malcolm Kaill

Mr. Albert Peck 

Mrs. Gemma Good


Ms. Judith Houghton - Chair of Trustees

Mrs. Sheila Caine

Mr. Iain Collins

Mr. John Godsell

Mrs. Sarah Weare

Mr. Iain Hare


Mrs. Annie Eagle

Mr. Chris Nunn



Mrs. Alison Burnside

Governance Membership Details 

Governor Business and Pecuniary Interests

Governor Attendance 2022-2023